Нэхурди гуонйиншон ю йигә ло лопәрни. Та ю йигә эрзыни. Таму җўди тэ
чүндихын: чыди мә чыди, чуанди мә чуанди. Эрзы йитян зэ санни шу
цэдини. Шу җи кунзы цэ, надо гэшон мэдё, мэщер чы-хә та зу хуэйлэли. Зу
җымуҗя таму лёнгәр гуә гуонйиндини.
Йитян Эрли зэ санни шу
цэчили. Лойуан ба йигэ
Лохў канҗянли. Лохў зэ
йигэ фу гынчян зандини,
тади җуазы җядо фуязы
литули. Җяди зунсы гунфу да, чүчи чүбудё җё
тындун ба Лохў шуди ду
сыдёдыйли. нянҗиншон
дёди лён гур няплуй. Эрли
манмар доли Лохў гынчянли. Лохў нянлуй дёшон ба та вондини, зущён фә:
— Ни ба вэди мин җюха. Эрли бу җыдо зу
сани. Тади щин ван, ю хэпа Лохў ба
та чышон, ю
кандн Лохў неҗон. Та сылёнди: — Вә ба җыгэ
есынди мин җюхани, та
данпа бу чы вә.
Лохў нянҗин бу шанди
вон тадинн. Эрли манмар
ба Лохўди җуазы ги фуязы литу чүчўлэ, ба шон
щилиха, лян шуҗинзы
бончўли. Лохў ги дацэди
дянли йигә ту, дадади
ханли ии шын фәди: Дацэди, вә ба ниди хо вонбудё. Вә ги ни бонмонни».
Ба җыгә хуа фәба да го
санни поли. Ба цэ нашон
Эрли хуэйли. Ги ло нён
ба җыгә йүхади сычин фәгили. Мамади фәди:
— Нэсы ниди йүнчи, ни
ганли хо сычинли, хўда ги
заму цыминни. Гуәли бу
дуәди җызы. Йибян таму
хили фиди сыхур вэту
йуанзыни хәлынлынди
щёнтуәли. Манмар да коншон халэ, Эрли чўчи канчили. Йиканса, йуанзыни
занди йигэ да вў ню. Эрли
мэ дун, са сычин. Мамади фәди:
шухади минжынди гўҗир.
Шыйүәди чи, 1991 нян, байүә чў йи паншанбэ.
Naihurdi guangyinshang you yige lao laoporni. Ta you yige erzini. Tamu zhudi tai qundihen: chidi mo chidi, chuandi mo chuandi. Erzi yitian zai sanni shou caidini. Shou ji kunzi cai, nadao gaishang maidiao, maixier chi-he ta zou huilaili. Zou zhimujia tamu liangger guo guangyindini.
Yitian Erli zai sanni shou caiqili. Laoyuan ba yige Laohu kanjianli. Laohu zai yige fu genqian zandini, tadi zhuazi jiadao fuyazi litouli. Jiadi zunsi gunfu da, quqi qubudiao jiao tendun ba Laohu shoudi dou sidiaodeili, nianjinshang diaodi liang gur nianlui. Erli manmar daoli Laohu genqianli. Laohu nianlui diaoshang ba ta wangdini, zouxiang fo:
- Ni ba wodi min jiuha. Erli bu zhidao zu sani, tadi xin wan, you haipa Laohu ba ta chishang, you kandi Laohu niezhang. Ta siliangdi: - Wo ba zhige yesendi min jiuhani, ta danpa bu chi wo."
Laohu nianjin bu shandi wang tadini. Erli manmar ba Laohudi zhuazi gi fuyazi litou quchulai, lian shoujinzi bangchuli. Laohu gei dacaidi dianli yige tou, dadadi hanli yi shen fodi: "Dacaidi, wo ba nidi hao wangbudiao. Wo gei ni bangmangni". Ba zhige hua foba da gao sanni paoli. Ba cai nashang Erli huili. Gei lao niang ba zhige yuhadi siqin fogeili. Mamadi foli:
- Naisi nidi yunqi, ni ganli hao siqinli, huda gei zamu ciminni. Guoli bu duodi rizi. Yibian tamu heili feidi sihour waitou yuanzini helenlendi xiangtuoli. Manmar da kangshang halai, Erli chuqi kanqili. Yikansa, yuanzini zandi yige da wu niu. Erli mo dun, sa siqin. Mamadi fodi:
- Zhisi Laohu gei ni daoxiedini. Guoli jige zhuma. Ke yuli yige siqin. Laohu gei Erlidi jiani nalaili liangger yanggaor, tenli ji tian beidi laili yige junmei guniang. Naisi yuanwaidi nüzi. Zou ba naige guniang Erli qushangli.
Zou zhimujia Laohu gei Erli daoli xieli.
shouhadi minrendi gujier.
Shiyuedi qi, 1991 nian, bayue chu yi panshanbai.
Once upon a time there was an old woman. She had a son. Their life was very poor: they didn't have anything to eat, nor did they have anything to wear. The son collected firewood on the mountains all day long. After he had collected a few bundles of firewood, he took them to the market and sold them, bought something to eat, and came back. So that's how they lived.
One day Ali went to the mountains to collect firewood. From a distance he saw a tiger. It was standing next to a tree and its paw was stuck in a fork [? tooth] of the tree. He had been stuck there for a long time, and he hadn't been able to take it out even though he had tried, and it hurt him so much that he had almost died, and there were two streams of tears coming from his eyes. Ali went slowly up to him. The tiger looked at him, with tears falling from his eyes, as if he was saying:
"Please save my life." Ali didn't know what to do. He had a gentle heart and he was also afraid that the tiger would eat him up, but he had also pity for him. He thought: "If I save this beast's life, he perhaps won't eat me."
The tiger looked at him without blinking an eye. Ali pulled his paw slowly out of the fork, washed the wound and bandaged it with a towel. The tiger nodded at him, roared and said: "Woodchopper, I will not forget your good deed. I will help you." After he had said this, he ran into the mountains. Ali gathered his firewood and went back. He told his mother what had happened. His mother said:
"That was lucky for you, you did a good thing, God will protect us." A few days went by. Once at night when they were sleeping there was a sound outside in the yard. Slowly Ali got off the kang and went to have a look. There was a big cow in the yard. Ali couldn't understand what it was. His mother said:
"It's Tiger thanking you". A few weeks went by and then something happened again: the tiger brought two lambs to Ali's home, and after a few days he carried a beautiful girl on his back. She was a lord's daughter. That was the girl who Ali married.
So that's how Tiger thanked Ali.
A folktale collected by F. Mashinkhayeva. Banner of October,
Thursday, 1st August,